It started out with the tweed and the search for a pair of pants to wear after getting seriously sick of denim. But somehow we just couldn’t pull it off without the jacket. The waistbelted jacket, of course.
This jacket will speak to your heart while also protecting it. The angled chestpocket is lined with the same radiation proof material as Sson002 so it’s about time to stop worrying about that cell phone messing up your DNA.
One jacket was made but this one was just a bit to tricky in the end. Abandoned, not dead, but still abandoned.
2007-01-07 11:23
The islands slightly north of the Scottish mainland are called the Hebrides and consist of a bunch of different islands. They are devided into the outer and inner islands and the population of the outer islands are roughly 30000 people and a lots and lots of sheep. This is where Harris Tweed was born some 400 years ago and this is the place of the finest tweed created on this planet.
This is a rough walkthrough of the process of making tweed, please fill us in if we are leaving out something essential:
1.Sheep got wool
2.Man cut sheep wool and spinn it
3.Spinned wool becomes yarn and get washed and dyed
4.Old people make woolcloth in their home on really old looms
5.Cloth is moved to Harris factory, cleaned and qualitychecked
6.Wool is sold to brands that makes horrible looking blazers and some occational goodlooking hat (except Sson that makes awsome pants that doesn't itch much at all.)
To get the complete picture, please visit their homepage.
Here is some pics from Harris and of the different clothes that we finally choose from the hundred of variants that were presenteted to us.